This is my illustration work for me and my pat.
We brought him home about 3 years ago. We used to lived in a house so I was not worried about he barked at day, but now it's hard for living in condo. He barks when visiting home from friends, or listening new/suspicious person.
except this, When I was doing my works till midnight, Pat always want to be around me, and I like to spend time with him. Here is the one I drew my dog and me at the bad hair day. Love me and Love my Pat!!
Pat 來我們家巳經三年半了。他唯一最大的長處就是整天叫。只要從空氣中飄來一點雜音,一個都別想放過。除了這個以外,他總是陪在我的身邊,無論我做功課,或看電腦多晚。我常對著他說話,他總是安靜的坐在那裡聽,我總認為他聽的懂。在還沒搬來之前,租房子總碰到叮子,其實是因為他的關係。然後有人居然想把他送走,有一天晚上我對著他說,我一定可以找到“我們”的房子,說也奇怪,現在這個地方,在一個星期後屋主就決定把房子租給我們。
on watercolor paper
嗨! Julia, 我特別喜歡這一張水彩畫,簡單卻滿是生命力,人被狗吵得不可開交,狗也好鬱悶呢! 一臉無辜樣! 但是我卻喜歡Pat和妳之間的感情,妳愛牠,牠也愛妳!