Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bliss_an art journal

my everyday life provides inspiration for my artworks: I see pictures in a magazine, texture from nature, design from stores, and learn from different artists from online tutorials. I haven't try mix media before, after watched people works, I totally love their free styles, jot down ideas whatever come out your mind and rarely stick to any rules .... .
"Bliss" is 9" x 7" big, the supplies I used : gesso (of course), magazine cutout, alcohol inks, watercolor crayons, markers, circle templates, distress inks, and canvas paper, there's texture on the top of it and they are heavy weight, they are good to mixed media and collage for me.


Bliss 是我第一張mix media 成積單,大小大概9" x 7",材料來自撕雜誌(過隱),各種油墨, 還有想塗什麼就畫什麼上去,讓我愈來愈愛不釋手。然後我用了幾種不同的紙,覺得canvas paper 最好用,又厚,放幾層都沒問題。

1 comment:

  1. 妳像極了一個愛作夢的女孩,每個都是美麗的夢,妳尤其喜歡蝴蝶,這個作品也讓我想到一群正飛舞著的蝴蝶。漂亮得不得了...
